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What did the Cat say to the Skeleton Jokes (and answers)

What did the Cat say to the Skeleton Jokes (and answers).

There are a lot of “What did the Cat say to the Skeleton” jokes 💀. Here, I have collected the best ones 🐱.

what did the cat say to the skeleton joke
So, what DID the cat say to the skeleton?

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“I would fight you, but I dont think you have the guts”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“Ive got a bone to pick with you.”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“Out alone? I guess you didn’t have any body to go with.

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“Got any spare ribs?”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“You have no skin in the game”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“Bone appetit!”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“Don’t lie to me! I can see right through you”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“I would try to scare you, but nothing gets under your skin”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“Whats the matter, cat got your tongue?”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“Let me tickle your funny bone”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“I think your heart’s not in it.”

What did the cat say to the skeleton?

“No body is perfect”

Bonus Joke: What did the cat say after telling a joke?

“Just kitten”

Those are just playful examples. Because there isn’t a single, well-known version of this joke, you’re free to have fun and invent your own skeleton-themed cat skeleton jokes!

There isn’t really a single, widely recognized “What did the cat say to the skeleton?” joke in the same way there are no specific answer to the classic “Why did the chicken cross the road?” dad jokes). And if you search typical dad-joke collections or pun sites, you won’t actually often see a cat–skeleton setup.

However, jokes about cats and skeletons sometimes appear in a Halloween context, or in “spooky season” joke lists. Occasionally people create puns involving skeletons (bones, ribs, skulls) and cats (meowing, purring, chasing bones), but there’s no standard, super-popular punchline attached to “What did the cat say to the skeleton?”. But I hope you like the jokes above.

If you know a good “What did the Cat say to the Skeleton” joke, then add it in the comment section!

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